The stars will be out this Friday evening in La Jolla, as students from four area schools perform at La Jolla High School. “Stars in Our Eyes” is a performing and visual arts showcase for the students of The Bishop’s School, La Jolla Country Day School, La Jolla High School and Preuss School. The 7 p.m. event is hosted by the La Jolla Rotary, and proceeds go to support the arts programming at each school and scholarships for college-bound students from each school. The event has been around for seven years, and each year the Rotary Club of La Jolla has come up with various ideas for the annual fund-raiser. In 2003, two club members (Zeke Knight and Dick Woltman) decided to create “Stars in Our Eyes.” The show was originally intended to showcase the performing arts programs of La Jolla High School, The Bishop’s School and La Jolla Country Day School. For the past five years, the event has been chaired by Patricia Lynch (2009 directors are Lynch, Russell King and Ann Boutelle) and has developed into a show featuring individual student performers as well as school performing arts programs. Beginning in 2006, the Preuss School also began participating in the event. According to Lynch, approximately 180 students will participate this year. “We try to represent equal amounts of students from each of the four schools, but obviously it’s going to vary a little bit each year depending on talent and interest,” Lynch said. “Typically the age groups represented are grades 9 through 12, although we do make exceptions, including one surprise for this year.” Lynch noted that the students put much time and effort into the production. “After a lot of hard work and hours of practice, these students are able to showcase their talents to their parents, teachers, neighbors and friends,” she said. “These kids are working hard toward earning their own college scholarships as well as earning much-needed funds for their schools’ arts and music programs.” As with any production, much time is involved in pulling everything together. Lynch said she began working on the program in September. In November, organizers begin auditions, while the program gets finalized in late December and early January. “Most of the Rotary Club members and many La Jolla High School students volunteer,” Lynch remarked. “La Jolla High School contributes greatly to the program and the event is held on their campus.” Students serve as technical crew, and LJHS drama teacher Boutelle helps with auditions, program direction and development. Lynch added that music, drama and art teachers from each of the schools contribute many hours of time and support preparing their students and helping organizers coordinate the show. Finally, three of the schools have incorporated the visual art contest into their curriculum. “’Stars in Our Eyes’ is our major annual fund-raiser and is the largest single contributor to our club’s scholarship program,” said Ted Rutter, Rotary Club of La Jolla’s president. “We are very proud of the fact that our club is able to grant over $150,000 per year in scholarships to deserving students. As a club we’re quite proud that over the past five years, we’ve awarded over $2 million to more than 500 qualified local high school students.” “Stars in Our Eyes” also includes an art exhibit of student paintings, sculptures and other creative art objects. The art exhibit and refreshments immediately follow the performance in the school cafeteria. Tickets ($25 for adults, $10 for students and faculty) are still available and can be purchased before the show at La Jolla High’s Parker Auditorium, 750 Nautilus St. The box office opens at 6 p.m. More information is available at