The annual Wildlife in Art Show, hosted by Foothills Art Association, is one of the longest running open/juried art shows in Southern California. The opening of this year’s show in November at the Foothills Gallery in La Mesa will mark the show’s 30th consecutive year.
This year’s show has 100 entries from 55 artists. From these, the juror will select 65-70 pieces for exhibiting in the show and will award approximately $3,000 in cash and merchandise to award winners.
The show includes fine wildlife art presented in oil, acrylic, watercolor, colored pencil, mixed-media, collage, pastel, graphics and non-functional sculpture. Awards will be presented at an awards reception on Saturday, Nov. 16, at the Foothills Gallery.
Foothills is honored this year to have noted wildlife artist Lee Kromschroeder as the show’s juror. Lee is recognized as one of the foremost artists in the wildlife genre. His work is represented in the finest galleries and can be found in many private collections. His illustrations have been presented on some of today’s leading publications.
The Wildlife in Art Show runs from Nov. 12 to Dec. 4 at the Foothills Gallery. Admission is free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is located at La Mesa’s Porter Hall, 4910 Memorial Drive in La Mesa. For more information, call 619-464-7167.
— Linda Michaels is editor of Footnotes, the monthly newsletter of the Foothills Art Association.