By Dale Larabee | SDUN Columnist
I confess I am a lifelong practicing heterosexual. As a senior citizen hetero, my wife lets me look at other women. How could I not look at a stunning brunette running daily near where I live in a skimpy two-piece outfit?
Do not judge a book because it doesn’t have much of a cover, for this scantily clad runner I ogle is Caryn, who works as a wellness program manager and has a graduate degree in public health. She is a Colorado native with her degree from University of Washington, and is a lifelong athlete running to set an example.
“If one person sees me and gets out there and gets moving, I feel they understand,” she said. “We women have extreme pressure to look a certain way. God forbid we have muscles or sweat because it is not feminine? Our obesity rates our frightening. We need to free ourselves of computers and TV, get out there and move.”
I had to ask, what about the outfit?
“I did not know the outfit was an issue or something of note,” she said (Oh, Caryn!). “The outfit is far more comfortable to run in and my motto is ‘if it bugs you, no worries, I’ll be gone in a couple minutes.’”
Caryn runs six to eight miles every day, taking a day off every few months. She runs 10 – 14 miles each weekend day. She also rides a bike and goes to yoga. Message: if you want to look like Caryn you need to work hard.
Regarding any catcalls and lame comments, she said she just ignores them.
“Plus, I wear music and I don’t hear much of what is said. If they want to discuss it, get their butts out of bed, run with me and see how they do,” she said. “I’ll be happy to discuss my outfit. We are so swift in our society to make judgments.”
Anyone choosing to run with her better be in good shape. She runs with a relaxed confidence and is gone in just a minute. I have two scantily clad granddaughters who should meet Caryn, and see her run.
I worry that when Caryn reads this article she may pull out sweat pants and a hoodie, her two-piece never to be seen again. But I don’t think she will. Her message is in the outfit.
For one of us who ogles, I hope she continues to vividly remind us each day: get off the couch and move.
—Dale Larabee is a 40-year resident of Kensington, who is an occasional writer for local newspapers.