Local Uptown resident, Ben Darby, is an artist who believes in the power of whimsy, reusing and recycling—and has the artwork to prove it. For those who may disbelieve, much of his collection will be available for purchase and viewing during a special artist’s reception on Dec. 4 at Planet Rooth Design Haus at 3334 5th Ave.
The event, happening from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., will offer attendees a little food, a little wine and whole lot of Darby. From paintings made with delicate paint molds of penises, flowers and birds to installation art comprised of decapitated stuffed animals, Darby seeks to entertain and delight viewers of his works. For more information, call (619) 297-9663 or to see Darby’s works online, visit Darbyarts.com.
—Lauren Ventura | SDUN Editor