Volunteers of America Southwest (VOASW) received a donation of a Nissan 2018 NV cargo van, thanks to a grant from Las Patronas, and support from Lang Nissan in Mission Bay. The new van was unveiled on July 8 at Volunteers of America’s Renaissance Facility in National City.
The van will be used to deliver meals to clients in recovery, veterans receiving services and adults in VOASW’s mental health facilities. In addition, the organization has expanded its kitchen, which now prepares and delivers 2,400 meals a day, to serve two adult living facilities, four charter schools that combine to make up eight sites and three senior daycare centers. The new food transport van will successfully serve more and support the organization’s growth.
The donated van will also allow VOASW to expand its food service social enterprise program which provides food service training for clients in recovery and veterans. The new transport van will give the organization the opportunity to take on new charities and continue to serve all clients with fresh and healthy meals.
To learn more about VOASW and its services, visit www.voasw.org.