The Voice of Del Cerro (VODC) is a new community council conceived by neighborhood residents after the dissolution of the Del Cerro Action Committee. The interim founding board now seeks people who have an interest in the Del Cerro community to serve as members of the governing board.
VODC set out to launch a council that would better serve all the voices of Del Cerro with a focus on transparency, inclusiveness and accountability. Now VODC is ready to hold elections for the people who will become the governing board.
While the board’s precise mission will be determined by its elected members, the goal from the outset was to create a council that would strive to represent the community of Del Cerro in helping to create a stronger, more unified community, as well as to help improve the area and quality of life for those who live and work in Del Cerro. This would include interfacing with elected representatives, community services, residents, business owners and managers, non-profits, and religious organizations.
Anyone who has an interest in the community of Del Cerro is invited to join. Residents, owners or representatives of local businesses and nonprofits, and religious organizations are all invited. The deadline for those interested in running for a board position to declare their candidacy is October 15, 2021.
The work now is to elect a governing board, to provide that board the by-laws and process for choosing its officers, and an agenda to begin work in 2022.
Get involved: Those interested in learning more or who seek to run for a position on the governing board can get official election guidelines by joining The Voice of Del Cerro email list at: voiceofdelcerro@gmail.com. More information can also be found on our Instagram page @voiceofdelderro. If you are interested in being a leading voice in the community, please complete the attached form at this link: bit.ly/3bvOA29.