The posted speed limit in most residential neighborhoods is 25 miles per hour. This is an advisory speed limit, which is dependent on traffic conditions. In other words, you can be ticketed for driving 25 miles per hour on a residential street if conditions require that you drive slower, such as when encountering pedestrians, other traffic or a narrow portion of the road. Chelsea Avenue is a delightful street, but it has all of these conditions. Pedestrians, joggers and parents with toddlers use it regularly, and it is also a major thoroughfare for cyclists. Nevertheless, folks persist in driving up and down our street at speeds up to 40 miles per hour in between the blocks. Chelsea is not a wide road, and when cars are parked on both sides, it leaves little room for northbound and southbound traffic to negotiate a safe passage. Combine this with unsafe speeds, and one can immediately inflict the danger upon others. Reducing the posted speed limit to 15 miles per hour might encourage drivers to slow down, or perhaps installing speed bumps or speed lumps will help prevent serious or deadly accidents. If you share my concern, you can voice your opinion to the Traffic Calming Subcommittee by contacting the Bird Rock Community Council (BRCC) at [email protected]. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. — Portia S. Wadsworth is a Chelsea Avenue resident and Joe Parker is president of the Bird Rock Community Council.