Trick-or-treating comes to Little Italy
Alex Owens | Downtown News
Halloween is coming a few days early in Little Italy – and that’s no trick.
On Oct. 25, the Little Italy Association (LIA) is hosting “Trick or Treat on India Street,” an event designed for the kids who live in the neighborhood, including those who live in East Village, Cortez Hill and other nearby areas.
It’s the lucky 13th year of the event, which is designed to ensure that Downtown’s rugrats all get a chance to nab candy from their neighbors and participating businesses.
But the event holds greater meaning than just an excuse to dress up and get a sugar high, according to Chris Gomez, district manager of the LIA.
“Our intent is make a fun event for families who choose to live in urban neighborhoods like Little Italy,” Gomez said. “You can live in a condo and still raise kids.”
Despite the perception that Little Italy, the Gaslamp and East Village are populated by single professionals or empty-nesting oldsters, Gomez said that more and more people are choosing to raise their kids in the city center, as opposed to moving to more residential areas when the kids are old enough to go to school.
“About 15 to 20 percent of people in Little Italy have kids, but the demographic is diverse,” Gomez said.

As neighborhood redevelopment continues, he expects the number of kids in the area to increase.
“The family component is key to Little Italy,” he said. “We have Washington Elementary there and a play area attached. When the Embarcadero Park is built, that will increase the attractiveness to families.”
Historically, Little Italy has always had more kids than other areas of Downtown, Gomez said.
“We really are more of a neighborhood than an entertainment area,” he said. “We still have single family dwellings and all the new developments have to have some moderate and low-income housing.”
Events like Trick or Treat on India Street are meant to enhance the neighborhood feeling to the area.
The trick-or-treating will take place between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the local businesses and storefronts. Participants can get a map of the places handing out at candy at Piazza Basilone on India and Fir streets.
Not only will the kids be dressed up, but so will the adults at the businesses and homes that are participating.
“I have a skeleton T-shirt I’ll be wearing,” Gomez said, adding that Reese’s are his favorite candies.
Gomez stressed that anyone who wants to trick-or-treat is welcome – even people from out of the area.
They are also welcome to stay in Little Italy for treats afterwards.
“We made the hours early for parents who might have small children, but also for families that might want to get a meal down here later,” Gomez said.
For more information, visit littleitalysd.com under “events.”
Alex Owens is a San Diego based freelance writer.