Girls looking to sharpen their basketball skills this summer need look no further than the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The UCSD Women’s Basketball Camps will include a “Position Camp” and a “Young Players Camp.” There will also be the inaugural “UC San Diego High School Shootout” the day before the start of the San Diego Classic. All games will be played at RIMAC Arena. In conjunction with the start of the San Diego Classic, UCSD will also be offering three coaches clinics. Led by UCSD women’s head coach Charity Elliott, the innovative methods include training players by position, incorporating the strength and conditioning piece into the week and several off-the-court chalk-talks about various aspects of the game that relate to the camper’s needs and goals, including the college “recruiting” experience. The goal of the camps is to have the individual take her game to another level and learn more about preparing herself to be the best player she can be. Among the camps will be: Position Camp For: 6th-12th grade Dates: June 29–July 2 Time: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Fee: $300 This day camp is designed to instruct players specifically on their position. Players will be divided into post or perimeter players and will learn the techniques most applicable to their position. Position instruction will be in the morning session, followed by team concepts/games in the afternoon (participants should bring their own lunch). Young Players Camp For: 1st – 5th grade Dates: June 29–July 2 Time: 9 a.m.-noon Fee: $150 This day camp is designed to teach the fundamentals of basketball to young players and beginners. Campers will be instructed in the basic concepts of individual work and team dynamics. This camp is open to all girls with little or a lot of basketball experience. Campers will be divided by ages and will be placed in skill groups as well as a team. High School Shootout For: High school teams Date: July 15 Fee: $40 per game This one-day shootout is designed for high school teams looking to pick up an extra game prior to the start of San Diego Classic. All games will be played in RIMAC arena. There will be no overnight accommodations. Officials and scorekeepers will be provided. To register for the high school shootout, contact assistant coach Hanna Seltzer, (858) 534-2035. UC San Diego Coaches Clinic Date: July 16 In conjunction with the start of the San Diego Classic, head coach Charity Elliott will be leading three coaches clinics in RIMAC arena. Individual Skill Development/ Position Play 11 a.m.-noon $20 Team Defense/Scramble Principles 2-3 p.m. $20 Quick Hitters/OOB/Sideline 6-7 p.m. $20 ALL THREE SESSIONS $50 (Each session will last 1 hour) For further information on attending any of these basketball camps, visit: www.ucsandiego