Naval Base Point Loma fuel facility revamp said on track Navy officials say $195 million worth of construction to modernize operations at the fuel storage facility depot at Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) is proceeding as planned. The project was awarded in 2008 and eight additional options were funded under the 2010 Department of Defense Authorization and Military Construction Appropriations Act. According to Navy officials, the five-year construction effort will deliver a complete and modernized fuel facility to replace the original fuel facility built between 1917 and 1954. The depot is the largest defense fuel terminal on the West Coast and is expected to eliminate environmental risk caused by degradation of the existing aging facilities. Noted as the largest construction project ever within the Defense Logistics Agency, the project will feature eight 125,000 barrel, above-ground fuel storage tanks to replace the existing one million barrels of jet fuel and diesel fuel storage capacity at the base. The project will also replace a pump house, dispensing systems, distribution piping and fuel oil reclamation facility, forming a complete and usable facility. A new fuel oil recovery site and installation of a temporary stockpile and treatment area is also underway. Navy officials say there is rigorous monitoring of site air quality and noise levels to ensure compliance with the tight limits established in the project environmental assessment, and steps are being taken to ensure there is no adverse traffic impact. Navy officials said the project is recognized as the “ultimate solution'” to the underground fuel plume problem at Naval Base Point Loma and that safeguards are being built in to prevent future fuel releases into the ground. For more information, call (619) 553-7175, or visit OB planners seeking board candidates The Ocean Beach Planning Board (OBPB) will conduct its annual election on Tuesday, March 9 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Ocean Beach Recreation Center, 4726 Santa Monica Ave. Candidate petitions may be obtained from the OBPB or by e-mailing [email protected]. All candidate nomination petitions must be submitted by Feb. 14. Candidates must present to the board a nominating petition signed by at least 35 electors of the OBPB district in which he or she desires to run, must be at least 18 years old and meet at least one of the following criteria: • Has been a resident of the OBPB district for at least 30 consecutive days.?• Is the owner of real property situated in the district for at least 30 consecutive days.?• Is a business person with a business address in the district at which employees or operators of the business are located for more than 30 days. Voters may also place advisory propositions upon the election ballot by submitting a “qualified” proposition petition at a board meeting. To be qualified, the proposition must be verified by the OBPB secretary as having been signed by 225 electors within the Ocean Beach planning area. The Ocean Beach planning area is bound to the east and south by the middle of Seaside Street from Nimitz Boulevard to Greene Street, the middle of Greene Street from Seaside Street to Froude Street, the middle of Froude Street from Greene Street to Adair Street, the middle of Adair Street from Froude Street to the Pacific Ocean and extending seaward to the city limits. Copies of the map of the planning area are available at For information, call (619) 224-1280 or e-mail [email protected]. Penninsula planning board to hold election The Peninsula Community Planning Board is seeking candidates to run for several open seats. Candidates will vie for the positions during an election March 18 at the Hervey/Point Loma Branch Library, 3701 Voltaire St. Ballots will be cast from 4 to 8 p.m., with a candidates’ forum prior to the election. To qualify, a person must be at least 18 years of age, be a Peninsula community property owner or resident, or be a local businessperson with a business address in the Peninsula community. Applications can be obtained online at or by calling (619) 224-9897. Mail applications to Helen Kinnaird, 3215 Tennyson St., San Diego, 92106.