This year, Harriett Tubman Village Charter School hosted two science fairs, one for elementary school (grades TK-fifth) and one for the middle school (sixth-eighth).
At the elementary school science fair, each teacher had their respective students create a classwide science project. In addition to the classwide projects, students in Ms. Espiritu, Ms. Aiello, Ms. Vinh, and Mrs. Chan’s class went the extra mile and carried out individual science projects. These projects were extraordinary to say the least.
All middle school students were required to create a science project as they were also competing around San Diego County with other middle school students for the top prize. Mr. Adams selected the top 10 projects from each grade to compete in the middle school science fair.
The Student Celebrations Committee is proud of how well the event went but have a lot of people to thank for making the event possible. The committee would like to thank the following people: Mrs. Martinez, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Lisa LaGrone, Ms. Sherri Wallace, and Ms. Zury Dominguez for judging the science fairs and selecting our winners; Mr. Nathan Yetz for setting up the tables for the science fair; all the elementary school teachers for facilitating classwide projects; and all parents.
Go Tigers!
—Ryan Woodard is principal of Harriet Tubman Village Charter School.