By Karla Shiminski
Foster Elementary will continue to offer Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and the Extended Transitional Kindergarten, for the 2016-17 school year. This program opens the school’s doors to children who turn 5 between Sept. 2 and March 1 with free public education for those who live within the Foster boundaries.
Benefits of Transitional Kindergarten/Extended TK include:
- Opportunities for younger 5-year-olds to develop academic and social skills that will help them succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
- Academic programs taught by fully-credentialed teachers that are both age and developmentally appropriate.
- A modified kindergarten curriculum aligned to the Common Core State Standards that develops a strong academic foundation in oral language development, literacy, math, science, social studies and the arts.
- The promotion of cooperation, self-confidence, self-regulation and positive attitudes about school and learning.
Foster Elementary strives for a diverse student population that brings together students and their cultures from around the world. The school believes in the idea that success and failure of our students are not predictable by student identity. The school achieves equity by cultivating the unique gifts, talents, and interests of every child with the belief that all children will succeed.
Foster partners with a variety of community resources to bring physical education and the arts alive for our kids. Partnerships also support our families and beautification for our school. Parent and community volunteers provide reading support programs such as Everyone A Reader, classroom assistance and the PTA.
Registration for Foster Elementary opens Aug. 15 and classes resume Aug. 29.
The public is encouraged to stop by the school and the TK classroom to see what exciting and engaging things are happening. For more information, call the office at 619-582-2728 or email Karla Shiminski at [email protected].
—Karla Shiminski is principal of Foster Elementary.