On Friday, May 1, All Hallows Church, 6602 La Jolla Scenic Drive, celebrated its Golden Anniversary Tea in order to honor the Blessed Mother at the La Jolla Historical Society’s Wisteria Cottage. “During a 2 p.m. Mass, which is held prior to the Anniversary Tea at the All Hallows Church, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is ceremonially crowned to signify Queen of Heaven and Mother of God,” said Debbie Stanley, church spokeswoman. “Students of All Hallows also participated.” The event included a historical photo exhibit of the parish, a jewelry sale, an art display by Madonna Arts, as well as honorary chairwomen for the event in Mary Mulvihill and Ruth Mulvaney. “The tea itself, which began at 3 p.m., and ran till 5 p.m., consisted of a traditional Tea with light fare,” Stanley said. “Women of all ages in San Diego [participated], and particularly La Jolla, and those who attend regularly attend May crowning services.” This is year 50 for the church’s parish and members have decided to make the Afternoon Tea an annual event. It also raises money and the proceeds go to benefit the restoration of the Blessed Mother’s shrine as well as the Diocesan Homeless Women’s Services. “The program has three goals in order to celebrate May Crowning, which is a traditional Roman Catholic celebration that occurs annually in May, around Mother’s Day,” Stanley said. “At the All Hallows Church, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary crowned to signify her as Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, and it also serves to raise funds for those in need.” The church, which will be celebrating all year as this is its golden jubilee year, hosts the event in order to celebrate the history of All Hallow’s Parish, as well as Wisteria Cottage being the new home of the La Jolla Historical Society. For more information call (858) 459-2975.