Want to be an articulate, engaging speaker? Local San Diegans interested in honing their public speaking skills are invited to visit Pacific Beach Toastmasters. Meetings are held each Tuesday between 6:30 and 8 p.m. at the Pacific Beach Recreation Center, 1405 Diamond St. at Gresham Street. Larissa Johnson, a coordinator for Network for Healthy California at UCSD, serves as the club’s vice president of public relations. “I joined in August because public speaking represents 100 percent of my job,” she said. “The club offers a friendly, open forum that allows people to be themselves. There’s no judgment because we’re all working together to become better speakers.” Johnson said the club presently has 30 active members, with an average age of 30 year’s old. She encourages people of all ages to join. “This is an opportunity to meet new friends with like-minded hobbies and goals,” she said. “Every time we have guests from other clubs they end up joining ours.” Johnson said everyone can benefit from the training “I’ve seen members with a severe fear of public speaking get so much better,” she said. “Toastmasters helps with crutch words like ‘ah’ and allows people to speak well, as opposed to being a deer in the headlights.” Johnson said each meeting is divided into three components: prepared speeches, evaluations and table topics in which members speak without preparation. “I joined for the evaluations,” she said. “I find that in the workforce, people tell you that you did a great job, but that doesn’t help because they’re often placating you instead of telling you how to improve.” Club members are required to use a “sandwich method” in dispensing criticism. “We start by saying something positive, followed by things the speaker can improve on and ending with something positive,” she said. “For everything negative you should have five positive things to say.” Founded in 1949, the Pacific Beach club is one of the oldest chapters of Toastmasters International in the nation. Visitors are welcomed at no cost. Those deciding to join are subject to a one-time $31.55 application fee and $51 membership fee every six months. Dress is business casual. Snacks are served. For more information, visit http://pbtm.freetoasthost.net.