By Karen Vister | SDUN Reporter
Lauren Ventura | SDUN Editor
A presentation regarding the street median on Thorn Street occurred at the Altadena Neighborhood Community Meeting on Feb. 2 at McKinley Elementary, located at 3045 Felton Street. Re-installment of the median has been a top priority for the North Park-area neighborhood since 2000.
Todd Gloria, District 3 Councilmember, presented the benefits of the $124,336 construction plan to community members, the mayor, and press during the meeting.
“The street median is important because it corrects previous action by the city. It will provide important traffic calming measure in the middle of a dense residential area,” Gloria said.
The median will correct the two-lane 70-foot wide residential street in the Altadena neighborhood as well as reduce traffic speed near the homes by narrowing the street with the median.
Groundbreaking for the new median took place on Feb. 10 and is expected to be complete by June and will also include landscaping, irrigation and a community sign. While construction activity will take place at the median, it is not anticipated that Thorn Street will be closed or vehicular access impeded. For detailed information on the improvement project, visit and search for the Thorn Street Median Improvement Project.