Who knew living in north PB could be so much fun? Who had any idea there were so many intelligent, funny, warm and engaging women living on or around the same street? Well, the secret is out! The Van Nuys Vamps is the fastest growing non-membership club around. We started in January with nine members and three months later we are 25 strong! “What is a vamp?” you ask. “Is it a nickname for vampire?” Bite your neck, oh I mean tongue. Actually, yes, the term vamp is a shortened version of the word vampire. In its most general (and non folklore) definition, a vampire is a person who ruthlessly preys on or takes advantage of others. In this vein (ha!), vamp is most commonly considered an unscrupulous woman who uses her feminine charms to seduce or take advantage of men. However, most people who hear the term vamp don’t really think in terms of this negative connotation. Instead, one often envisions a Mae West type of woman: sexy, strong and determined. This is the meaning I thought of when I named us! “And why Van Nuys? Are you referring to the city in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles?” You’re not even close. Van Nuys Street is the most northern (east-west) street in Pacific Beach; go north and you’re in La Jolla. “Okay, I give up. Who are the Van Nuys Vamps and where did you come from?” I’m so happy you asked! Back in December, while attending an annual holiday open-house in our neighborhood (on Van Nuys Street), I was chatting with a neighbor from down the block, catching up on the past year’s happenings. Sue Agbulos mentioned, “Look around us. We have so many nice women who live so close. It’s a shame we only get together once a year.” Well, that’s all I needed to hear. Being relatively new to the area (it was only my second holiday gathering), I quickly responded, “What would you like to do about changing that? I’m game for anything.” “I don’t know. Maybe we could get together once a month and alternate houses so nobody feels put out. I’d be happy to host the first one.” “Great! You name the date and I’ll make the invitations.” So, Sue chose Jan. 15 and I created a flyer. I dropped a copy off at the houses where either Sue or I knew something about the residents. Invitees were asked to bring something small to eat or drink (the Jewish mother in me had to make sure nobody went hungry) but it was all about meeting the neighbors. The rest, as they say, is history! April 23 was our fourth gathering. We had 15 vivacious women in attendance, ranging in age from the mid-30s to the mid-80s. As has become a somewhat monthly standard, several new neighbors made their debuts. There was fabulous food and more than enough wine to keep everyone talking and laughing for hours. This may have been a record; the last neighbor left at 12:20 a.m! We even had a certain birthday gal (who shall remain nameless) who charmed us with her singing and dancing prowess, channeling Mae West and reminding me why I named us the Van Nuys Vamps in the first place. Imagine the peace-of-mind I have now, knowing that I can turn to so many women (within walking distance) if I need help with something, have a question or just feel a bit lonely. I have lived in my house a little under two years and I have never before felt like I belong as much as I do in PB! I lived in my last house 20 years and knew two neighbors enough to wave hello as we were checking our mail or coming in from the garage. Neither Sue nor I, by the way, have a Van Nuys Street address, but our houses are on the corner so we feel like we’re the bookends that cradle this bevy of beauties. I highly encourage you to start your own local ladies’ league of lovelies. It’s free, it’s fun, and your lives will be richer. I guarantee it! For more about the Van Nuys Vamps contact Nancy Person, [email protected].