Brian White | Fitness
As a personal trainer, I am consistently asked about what to do throughout the day in order to hit your goals. What foods do I eat? When should I exercise? How much TV should I watch? When should I go to sleep? The questions are endless.

Of course, in outlining “the anatomy of a perfect day,” I am using the word perfect loosely because I understand that a perfect day is going to be different for everyone. But I do want to give you a template so you have a starting point from which to build.
Here goes, and as always, I welcome comments and feedback.
5 a.m. – Wake up with no “snooze button” because you are well rested and had a full sleep. Immediately, you drink 20 ounces of water to replenish the water you lost throughout the night
5:15 a.m. – Enjoy 20 ounces of organic green juice, preferably prepared with your own juicer. A favorite green juice of mine is kale, lemon, apple, ginger and cucumber, with parsley and cayenne pepper.
5:40 a.m. – Foam roll out your back, hips, legs and glutes, and do a couple of corrective stretches to get the blood flowing.
6 a.m. – Workout with weights. Go to a gym, do a boot camp or perform a well-planned workout at home. Drink water throughout your exercise routine.
7 a.m. – Shower. You better be sweaty.
7:30 a.m. – Post workout breakfast could include an omelet with one whole pasture-raised egg and some organic egg whites, mixed with a little spinach and mushrooms. Also, have half a grapefruit and a half an avocado. Drink another glass of water.
8 a.m. – A few minutes of alone, quiet time to set some intentions and goals for the day. Also use this time to read over your BHAG’s – Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals – for your life and work.
10 a.m. – Quick snack could include a handful of raw almonds and a small apple. Get up from your desk and get a few minutes of movement or, even better, a few minutes of fresh air and sun.
12 p.m. – Lunch. Have a salad with all kinds of veggies, a little bit of protein and an olive-oil dressing. This is also a perfect time to enjoy a kombucha tea, green tea or an organic coffee. Drink two big glasses of water to stave off the mid-afternoon slump too.
1:45 p.m. – Go for a 10-minute brisk walk for energy and stress relief.
3 p.m. – Snack, again. Cut up celery and carrots with some sprouted hummus and a mineral water.
6 p.m. – The second you walk through the door at home, drink two big glasses of water before you do anything else. This time of day is where a lot of people will snack even when they aren’t hungry. By quenching your thirst you will be more equipped to deal with imaginary cravings.
6:30 p.m. – Dinner. Dominate your plates with vegetables, enjoy a little protein and a half cup of a starch, such as quinoa.
8 p.m. – Turn off all computers and TVs. Read a book, write or enjoy some conversation. Watching TV or a computer screen actually wires our brain to be stimulated, which will result in less sleep and a poorer quality of sleep, too.
9 p.m. – Sleep well.
There you have it. That would be a pretty ideal day for many people. I know we all have different responsibilities and schedules, so adapt this template to what will work for you.
Now go drink some water.
—Brian White owns BWF, San Diego’s Premier Training Service located in Hillcrest. He runs boot camps in Balboa Park and trains clients in Diverge Gym. Go to youshouldbedoingit.com to read his blog, or take his seven-day video challenge to get back into healthy habits. Contact Brian at [email protected] or on his website.