The Pacific Beach/Taylor Library’s scheduled temporary closure for re-carpeting has been postponed. The library remains open with its regular hours, and a new date for the carpet to be installed has yet to be determined. The library was originally scheduled to close Feb. 14 and reopen April 5. The carpet was expected earlier, but once the order was placed, the supplier said the particular carpet ordered was unavailable and more had to be manufactured and shipped, said Christina Wainwright, Pacific Beach branch library manager. The new carpet is not expected to arrive until early March, so there was no point in moving the books out in mid-February, Wainwright said. A new date for the temporary closure will be set once it is determined when the carpet will arrive for certain. Since the date will have to be moved back, some other maintenance might be scheduled as well, Wainwright said. Notices will be posted on the building and on the library’s Web site, as well as in the newspaper, once a new date has been set. For more information, call the Pacific Beach/Taylor Library, (858) 581-9934, or visit or