By Judy McCarty
Dianne Jacob, who is serving a historic sixth term on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, will speak to Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated (NCRWF) members at their luncheon meeting at the La Mesa Brigantine restaurant Feb. 10. Her comments will cover her Alzheimer’s project and also the rating system for residential care facilities, which she initiated last year as board chairman. Check-in time begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course lunch will be served at noon with Ms. Jacob following at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and reservations are required. RSVP (with “Luncheon RSVP” in the subject line) to [email protected] or call Glenda at 619-284-9958.
Also highlighting the January meeting, Tony Krvaric, chairman of San Diego Republicans, will update us on the party’s plans for 2015, and Shirley Kaltenborn will review the history and growth of the San Diego Federated Women organization.
Coming up this spring will be an evening meeting in April and our annual luncheon fashion show fundraiser in June instead of October. Because the fall months are usually so busy with campaign activities, the members decided a spring celebration would be more convenient and a delightful way to start the summer hiatus.
The Downtown Republican Club, our satellite club, will not meet in February, but will gather once again in March as they meet on the third Thursday of every other month in a relaxed after-work setting. The club is hoping to schedule former KUSI meteorologist John Coleman for a future meeting since his talk in January at the NCRWF meeting was so popular that space was not available for all those who wanted to attend.
For more information, please visit navajocanyonrwf.org.
—Judy McCarty is the publicity chairman of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated.