If the city is going to do a new traffic study in the Sunset Cliffs area (“City to revisit traffic calming along Sunset Cliffs, Sept. 3 Beacon, page 2), it should include the proposed World Oil project at the northwest corner of SunseCliffs Boulevard and Voltaire Street. The Ocean Beach Planning Board (OBPB), as a matter of record, failed to seek advice and counsel from the OB Town Council (or the OB Community Development Corporation for that matter) when it voted on this project last August. Furthermore, neither the report of the OBPB’s Project Review Committee nor the minutes of the board will reflect any research or discuss-ion about the effects this project would have on transportation and public safety. I’ve been active in my community for almost 15 years and it never ceases to amaze me how many people get involved to effect a personal agenda (some members of the current OB Planning Board being the perfect example). Isn’t it time we put individualism aside, sought consensus and put some degree of unity back into our community? Or, are the motives of the public good and the desire to effect the general welfare, as Point Loma’s Lance Morton suggests, (“Breaks on building permit fees the right thing to do,” Aug. 13 Beacon, page 6) short sighted?