By SDCNN staff
San Diego is an ideal place for summer camps. With access to world-class sports fields, mountains, beaches and deserts, it is a fantastic place for sports and outdoor camps. With access to metropolitan museums and cultural institutions, it is great for arts and education camps. And the sunny weather is certainly a bonus, as well.
The following is a brief list of some of San Diego’s exciting, educational, active and enriching programs to keep your young ones busy and engaged this summer.
San Diego Civic Youth Ballet
Ballet classes are augmented with activities in arts and crafts, jazz classes and field trips to cultural institutions. 1650 El Prado, Balboa Park. Visit sdcyb.org, email sdcyb@sdcyb.org, or call Danika Pramik-Holdaway at 619-233-3060.
City Ballet
The summer intensive course is three weeks long and provides superlative training for serious students at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Located at 941 Garnet Ave. Visit cityballet.org, email info@cityballet.org, or call Steven Wistrich at 858-274-6058.
Children’s Creative & Performing Arts Academy
Arts and education camp for preschool through high school students. 3051 El Cajon Blvd., North Park. Visit ccpaasd.com, email capaadmissions@yahoo.com, or call Janet Cherif at 619-584-2454.
Museum of Photographic Arts
Instruction in photography, video, animation and more for grades 1 through 12. Located at 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park. Visit mopa.org/camps; email info@mopa.org; or call Deborah Klochko at 619-238-7559.
Spanish Village Art Center
Art classes taught by the artists in Spanish Village for children ages 5 and up or students in grades 2 through 8. Located at 770 Village Place, Balboa Park. Visit spanishvillageart.com/classes, email spanishvillageartcenter@ymail.com, or call 619-233-9050
San Diego Museum of Art
Weeklong summer camp or teen studio for students in grades 1 through 12 led by artist instructors that include hands-on art activities and trips to exhibitions at the museum. 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Visit sdmart.org, email summercamps@sdmart.org, or call Gwen Gomez at 619-232-7931.
The New Children’s Museum
Weeklong camps for ages 4 through 12 designed to make children think, play and create. 200 W. Island Ave. Visit thinkplaycreate.org, email tkuta@thinkplaycreate.org, or call Tomoko Kuta at 619-795-1463.
Intrepid Shakespeare Company
Camp Intrepid has three offerings for young actors — Young Actors Theater Camp for ages 7 to 14, Musical Theater Camp, ages 14 to 18 and the Shakespeare Camp, ages 14 to 18. Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Drive. Visit intrepidshakespeare.com, email seancox@intrepidshakespeare.com, or call Sean Cox at 760-295-7541.
Little Rascalz Soccer
A mix of soccer play and other camp activities for children ages 3 to 6-ish at locations all around San Diego. Visit littlerascalzsoccer.com, email coachsnoozy@littlerascalzsoccer.com. or call Beth Hooshidar at 619-309-9626.
NIKE Softball Camp, University of San Diego
Softball camp for girls ages 8 to 18 with low student-to-instructor ratio. USD, 5998 Alcalá Park, San Diego. Visit ussportscamps.com, email softball@ussportscamps.com, or call Renee Chapman at 800-645-3226.
NIKE Baseball Camp, UC San Diego
Open to all levels of players. General Skills program is for ages 9 to 12 and High Potential program is for ages 13 to 18. UCSD campus, 3432 Voight Drive. Visit ussportscamps.com, email baseball@ussportscamps.com, or call 800-645-3226.
NIKE Golf Camps, USD
Co-ed golf camps for ages 7 to 18 featuring small group instruction at two locations — Riverwalk Golf Club, 1150 Fashion Valley Road,and University of San Diego, 5998 Alcalá Park. Visit ussportscamps.com, email golf@ussportscamps.com, or call Renee Chapman at 800-645-3226.
Contact Football, USD
Grossmont College head coach Mike Jordan runs this camp for boys ages 8 to 18. USD, 5998 Alcalá Park. Visit ussportscamps.com, email football@ussportscamps.com, or call Renee Chapman at 800-645-3226.
UCSD Summer Soccer Camps
Boys and girls programs for ages 14 and up as well as youth programs for ages 5 to 13. Warren field at UCSD campus, 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0531, La Jolla. Visit ucsandiegosoccercamps.com, email rbh001@ucsd.edu, or call Ryan Hernandez at 858-534-8165.
Watersports Camp
Sponsored by the Peninsula Family YMCA, this camp offers instruction in wakeboarding, surfing, sailing, kayaking, paddleboarding, windsurfing, marine science and more. Mission Bay Aquatic Center, 1001 Santa Clara Place. Visit waterspotscamp.com, email mbac@sdsu.com, or call 858-488-1000.
There are 17 locations throughout San Diego County offering camps that nurture the potential of kids, help them live healthier lives and learn to support their communities. Visit ymca.org, or call 858-292-9622 for more information.
Museum of Man
Weeklong camps for kindergartners through fifth grade that dive into the worlds of myth, mystery and science. Located at 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park. Visit museumofman.org, email museumorman@museumofman.org, or call Margaret Hartnett at 619-239-2001.
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Science activities for age groups ranging from pre-kindergarten to junior high school. 1875 El Prado, Balboa Park. Visit rhfleet.org, email clientservices@rhfleet.org, or call 619-238-1233 ext. 806.
Salvation Army Kroc Center
There are several camps to choose from, including: Kroc Adventures featuring daily outings; Sports Camp with activities like rock climbing, skateboarding, swimming, etc.; Spiritual Discovery Camp with Bible studies; Pee Wee Camps for youngsters and more. 6845 University Ave. Visit sd.kroccenter.org; or call 619-287-5762.
Pali Adventures
Campers age 8 to 16 design their own adventures including stunts, trapeze, secret agent and more. Located in Running Springs, picks up in Fashion Valley Mall. Visit paliadventures.com, email infor@paliadventues.com, or call Amy Walker at 909-867-5743.
Endless Summer Surf Camp
Inclusive, overnight camp for surfers of all levels of expertise. San Onofre State Park. Visit endlesssummersurfcamp.com, email info@endlesssummersurfcamp.com, or call Jason Senn at 949-498-7862.
Camp Stevens
Outdoor activities that are eco-friendly, safe, affordable and fun with programs for ages 8 to 18. 1108 Banner Road, Julian. Visit campstevens.org; email beth@campstevens.org; or call Beth Bojarski at 760-0028.
— For a more complete list of summer camps throughout San Diego County, visit sandiegosummercamps.org.