By Judy McCarty
Fresh off our successful Luncheon and Style Show and the California primary election, NCRWF members are celebrating the re-election of Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Councilmember Scott Sherman and Supervisor Dianne Jacob who represent the area of our membership. With the coming November general election, the membership can now focus on state and national campaigns as well as a few local run-off elections.
No luncheon meetings are planned for the summer but save the evening of Aug. 9 for an entertaining and informative event at the El Cajon Elks Lodge featuring the well-known radio and television personality Bob “Sully” Sullivan and our own District 7 San Diego City Councilman, Scott Sherman. Details to follow in next month’s article. In the meantime, we’ll be enjoying our families and friends, registering voters and continuing our personal volunteer activities.

On Sept. 13, it’s full steam ahead to the election and a powerful meeting back at The Brigantine you will not want to miss!
Membership in Navajo Canyon RWF is open to any woman who is a registered Republican. We meet on the second Tuesday of most months for a fun-filled and informative luncheon and speaker at The Brigantine restaurant in La Mesa. Annual dues are $30 and our luncheon meetings cost $20.
If you are interested in joining a group of like-minded women who share a positive camaraderie while working on shared political goals, please contact our membership co-chairmen Kathy or Mary at [email protected] with “Membership” in the subject line. And for more information on all our activities, visit our newly-designed website, navajocanyonrwf.org and check us out on Facebook.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chair for the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Reach her at [email protected].