ECO-ST de-icer uses technology that takes care of our surroundings and minimizes environmental damage. Unlike traditional deicers, ECO-ST de-icer has the advantage of being less harmful to the environment and using waste products to advance its de-icing technology. This can be a better option in areas where corrosion rates are high, or when the risk to surrounding wildlife, vegetation, and waterways from excessive chemicals needs to be minimized.
STAR’S TECH de-icer Adsorbs chloride
Starfish porous structure allows for the adsorption of chloride ions, minimizing environmental damage by preventing high ion concentrations. As well as increasing soil toxicity, chloride ion accumulates in groundwater to pose a potential threat to humans and animals.
Thus, the electrically polarized porous structure of STAR’S TECH deicer adsorbs chloride ions to make sure there is chemical equilibrium. Starfish extracts play a significant role in controlling chloride ions and protecting our environment more.
Special Coated Beads
STAR’S TECH ECO-ST de-icer comes in the form of beads. Their shape and structure prevent the deicer from corroding concrete and steel while promoting easy penetration of water into the pavement. With ECO-ST, there is no need to worry about corrosion or discoloration of concrete.
What’s more, pet owners can rest easy. Pets’ paws can get seriously injured by walking on salty roads, causing burns and other related problems. ECO-ST’s Bead-type particles are what make pets’ paws safe. Most conventional de-icers’ particles are rather wide, allowing paws to be in contact with the particles and get burned by them. ECO-ST on the other hand, the particles are coated round bead type and has less contact on the paw.
Storage-release mechanism
The starfish extract’s powerful storing and releasing mechanism, which interacts with corrosion inhibitors, resulted in 29 times enhanced resistance to corrosion inhibition(less corrosive than water).
ECO-ST’s de-icer technology is paving the way for more environmentally friendly road safety and de-icing techniques. STAR’S TECH aims to create a more environmentally friendly world with its ground-breaking technology and innovative products.