Phillies Fever!… “How ’bout them Phillies?” was the frequent refrain as we visited my hometown earlier this month. Two winning games into the pennant race and the city was wildly ecstatic. Just imagine them now! Meanwhile, the national election followed us. Barack Obama spoke at Abington High, a few miles from my 97-year-old mother’s nursing home. (She’s tinier and more frail than ever, but still feisty.) Sarah Palin and John McCain both drew crowds nearby. Pennsylvania’s a vigorously contested state; hot-and-heavy radio and TV ads constantly bombarded us. Capitol Punishment… The economy also imploded during our two weeks on the East Coast. We arrived in Washington, D.C. just after the big bailout vote, so we missed seeing Congress in contentious action. We did get the full congressional tour, however, from Congresswoman Susan Davis’ office. “It was crazy here last week,” said our guide, Alicia Hartlove. The Washington Post devoted page after page to economic news–highly detailed, but fully digestible. Basically, no one knows if any of it will work, but they’re gonna keep trying. Cross your fingers. Between the election and the economic meltdown, people were more than willing to talk. On the metro, in museums, you could sense their fears. And hear their stories of disappearing dollars for retirement or their kids’ college tuition. Another surprise was the all-out enthusiasm for Obama. When I lived in Philly, the suburbs were strictly Republican. Not today. Obama-Biden signs were everywhere, as well as in Alexandria, Va., where we stayed. Unsolicited, Obama supporters would praise his cool, reasoned approach. Where’s my neighborhood cop?… Back home, we had missed BeachFest, but caught the S.D. Police Department’s report on crime, before and after the booze ban. There were two eye-opening statistics. Compared to 2007, police arrested 50 percent fewer underage drinkers. And response time dropped one full minute, which is critically important if you have an emergency. Now that cops aren’t babysitting drunks at the beach, there’s time to respond to calls about house parties or car break-ins. Not just in PB, but in Clairemont and Tierrasanta and Hillcrest. “Yes on D”… You can join S.D. lifeguards, firefighters and police officers to keep our beaches free of binge-drinkers and trash. This Saturday, at 9:30 a.m., come to a rally and march, beginning at Crystal Pier. Bring the kids, your neighbors and homemade signs. Smell the clean ocean air, not stale beer, stale urine or barf. Vote “YES” to keep the alcohol ban.