These past many months have been a challenge for all of us, including artist members of La Mesa’s Foothills Art Association. We are all now trying to resume life’s activities in a safe and healthy way.
With safeguards and precautionary measures in place in compliance with state and county guidelines and requirements, the Foothills Art Association was able to re-open our gallery at Porter Hall on a limited schedule in the month of October. Our gallery is currently open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and we invite you to stop by to view and enjoy the artwork of our local artists.
Currently at the gallery, you can view the Small Image Show which features artwork that can be no larger than 7-by-7 inches. In addition to the first-place winner “Little Hummer” by Gary Dyak, you will see 64 expressive works by 32 local artists who are members of the Foothills Art Association. The winners of this year’s Small Image Show include: Gary Dyak, Roz Oserin, Carol McClure, Sandra Hayen, and Mike Heffner.
In November, the Foothills Gallery will feature the 2020 Wildlife in Art Show, which is one of the association’s most popular shows. We invite you to visit the gallery to enjoy these wonderful displays of creativity by our local artists.
The Foothills Gallery at Porter Hall is located at 4910 Memorial Drive in La Mesa. For more information, call 619-464-7167.
— Linda Michael writes on behalf of the Foothills Art Association.