The 2023 portion of the St. Katharine Drexel Academy school year continues at a rapid pace.
Among some of the highlights to date:
SKDA wraps up winter sports season- With March comes the end of the winter sports season for SKDA Phoenixes. This season, we participated in junior varsity (grades 5-6) and varsity (grades 7-8) boys’ basketball, junior varsity (grades 5-6) and varsity (grades 7-8) girls’ volleyball, as well as our Pee Wee coed soccer teams, ranging from grades K-4. SKDA participates in the South Bay and Center City Parochial League, playing against other Catholic schools in our region. All teams practiced hard, played well and represented our school with pride. We look forward to our final sports season of the year, which includes junior varsity and varsity girls’ basketball, varsity coed soccer, and the continuation of our cheerleading team.
We welcome the Lenten Season- Ash Wednesday, which took place on Wednesday, Feb. 22, brings about the Lenten Season, which is the most solemn and important time of year for Catholics. It is a time where we focus on the three tenants of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For Ash Wednesday, SKDA hosted a Mass with our neighboring parish, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, and was celebrated with parishioners, school families and a neighboring school, Nativity Prep Academy.
SKDA Competes for the first time in Diocese Academic Decathlon- On Saturday, March 4, SKDA participated for the first time ever in the Diocese-wide Academic Decathlon. Catholic schools from all over San Diego County came together, this year at St. Augustine High School, to compete in academic areas, such as English, Science, Logic, Theology, etc. Students pick their expert subject areas and take exams live in the gym, with the hopes of earning the team points for overall victory. While our team is small in number, they were mighty in their pride and determination. They studied since September and all did exceptionally well. We are so proud of them.

SKDA’s Annual Spring Fundraiser- Each year, SKDA holds an annual spring fundraiser, which raises money for school programming needs, directly impacting students’ lives. This year, the fundraiser was held at Stone Brewing Company’s Liberty Station location on Saturday, March 4 from 6-10 p.m. The event included a silent auction, happy hour, live auction and program. Since it was birthday party themed, as SKDA is celebrating its 5th birthday this year, there was a magician, cotton candy and face painting. The event was a smashing success, and overall we raised over $75,000 for the school. We are already looking forward to next year’s event.
– Editor’s note: Kelly Bonde is principal at St. Katharine Drexel Academy.