This month, the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon was joined by Sheriff Anthony Ray as our guest speaker for a sold-out meeting.
He shared with us some updates on the sheriff’s department and its vast responsibilities throughout the county; and what is going on within the department at the moment and where it is headed in the future. Ray was engaging, entertaining, and generous with his time and information.
We also heard from Mary Davis, who is a legislative watchdog at the local level.
A resident of Alpine, she focuses most of her attention and oversight on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, as well as SANDAG. She is leading the charge to shine a spotlight and improve transparency in teleconferencing for the Board of Supervisors.
Next month, RWCNC returns to the Legacy Hotel in Mission Valley with Thomas Del Beccaro – a radio, TV commentator, and keynote speaker. He is also the author of The Divided Era, the historical perspective that explains the more the government decides, the more it divides. He is also the former chairman of the California Republican Party.
Del Beccaro makes more than 450 radio and TV appearances a year throughout the country.
He has appeared on Fox, Fox Business, Newsmax, OANN, KUSI, The Big Business show, KTVU and KRON4 in San Francisco/Oakland. His articles have appeared in places like Foxnews.com, FoxBusiness.com, Forbes.com, Epoch Times, the Washington Examiner, Rasmussen Reports, National Review, Politico, The Washington Times, Human Events, Investors Business Daily, RealClearPolitics.com, RealClearMarkets.com, The Sacramento Bee, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Orange County Register and Breitbart/BigGovernment.com.
Del Beccaro is publisher of PoliticalVanguard.com and the author of The New Conservative Paradigm.
Our second guest speaker for the meeting will be Paula Whitsell, chairwoman for the San Diego County Republican Party.
Whitsell has been a small business owner in South Bay since 2004. She lived and worked in Brazil for 17 years before returning to the San Diego area in 1989 with her family. She has been active with the Chula Vista Bonita Republican Women as well as the San Diego County Republican Women since 2009. She has been the communications chair for the Republican Party of San Diego editing and writing for the monthly newsletter since November, 2014. Having seen socialism in action while in Brazil, she is an activist voice for Republican values.
To find out more about our club, or to become a member, visit: rwcnavajocanyon.org.
– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.