Our Jan. 18, half hour social gathering prior to the regularly scheduled San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) meeting, was well-attended.
Councilman Raul Campillo arrived before 6 p.m. and it set a more casual tone for our meeting as he chatted informally about things happening within the City and County.
At the beginning of our meeting we acknowledged the November 2022, passing of Rita Hartman. Rita and her husband, Jerry (of blessed memory) were both very active board members of SCAC and ardent educators who shared their hopes and dreams of a new San Carlos Branch Library. Rita: I hope you heard the land is in the acquisition phase – finally!
Our speaker was Campillo, and he spoke of the many achievements he has been a part of in the very diversified District 7 communities of Allied Gardens; Del Cerro; Grantville; Linda Vista; North Mission Valley, San Carlos, Serra Mesa, and Tierrasanta. Some of the projects even over-lap areas, which is a great thing.
In San Carlos some notable things: The San Carlos & Del Cerro Town Hall. The ADA Curb Ramp installation. San Carlos Little League Opening Day. San Carlos Robotics Extravaganza. Lake Murray 4th of July Fireworks. MTRP Press Event for the San Diego River Task Force funding. Weed whacking on Navajo Road.
Mayor Todd Gloria will be signing off on the acquisition of the neighboring lot for the ‘NEW SAN CARLOS BRANCH LIBRARY ACQUISITION”. (I thought I would put that in all caps to be really enthusiastic about it.) The City will fully own the land needed to build the new branch library. Once construction funding is identified the project is on track to start construction in 2025.
For more information on the Councilman’s involvement with our District 7 communities and the people within it, you can go to his website: sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd7.
Elections for the SCAC are coming up in May we need more Board members.
Whether you are new to our area or have lived here for a long time attend our bi-monthly meetings and if you would like to get involved contact me at: [email protected]. Our bi-monthly meetings (odd months) are held at the San Carlos Branch Library (pictured above) on Jackson Drive from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
We had informative presentations by many of our representatives: Congresswoman Sara Jacobs office (Jawad Al Baghdadi); State Assembly District 78 Christopher Ward (Teannae Owens); County Supervisor, Joel Anderson (Art Davis); SDUSD Trustee, Shana Hazan; and our beloved Librarian, David Ege
Did you know that four year olds are now in a Pre-K class at a lot of (and will be all of) our elementary schools.
Hazan gave a very informative presentation on what has happened in the SDUSD since the short time she has been in office.
Of course we all know, things are not done by only one person, but she is passionate about education, fairness, inclusion, inspiration, and diversity. I can’t help but believe that these goals are of the entire San Diego Unified School Board of Trustees: every child deserves to be seen, heard, and encouraged to thrive.
The next meeting of the SCAC will be held Wednesday, March 15, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
– Mickey Zeichick is president, SCAC.