La Jolla native and singer-songwriter Kara Connolly is releasing her debut album prior to her performance at the San Diego County Fair.
The 27-year-old born and raised in La Jolla is returning to hit the stage at the fair at 2 p.m. June 1 to perform her new coming-of-age anthem “Let Me Go.” The song, which is about being true to yourself despite what others might think, will be on her upcoming album “Life in the Rear View,” which debuts May 17. The La Jolla Village News recently chatted with Connolly about her new music and what it’ll be like to perform at an event that was a big part of her childhood.
What inspired your new song, “Let Me Go?”
“I write a lot from personal experience, but this song was actually inspired by a friend of mine because I felt like his parents weren’t accepting of who he was and weren’t allowing him to grow into the person that he was becoming and wanted to be. He was afraid to be himself and as a result, they were not as close because the parents were pulling even tighter.
There was kind of this co-dependent dance going on so to speak and I was inspired to write about that. And for me, it really goes out to anybody that feels the need to break free of a habit, a pattern a person or anything that’s really holding them back. The core message is that you’re really allowed and love who you love and not feel sorry about it.”
How does this song relate to your upcoming album?
“The album really is a journey about letting go of what no longer serves you; the people, the places, the environment that no longer serve you and your growth. I think in order to do that you have to really learn who you are. You have to embrace the vulnerability you have to acknowledge your self-worth