Do Your Homework @ the Library returns to San Carlos on Aug. 26. Our Homework Center is open to all K-8 students and provides free assistance with homework assignments. Tutor learning coordinators are available to guide and support student learning. The center is open on Mondays and Thursdays 3-6 p.m. and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3-7 p.m.
The impossible railroad: In celebration of this railroad line’s centennial year, Reena Deutsch will be presenting on Aug. 16 from 2-3 p.m. Despite its drama-filled history of floods, fires, tunnel collapses, and other disasters, the 148-mile-long and 100-year-old San Diego & Arizona Railway still operates over parts of the line. No need to be a train buff to learn about this colorful part of San Diego’s history.
Art show: We are excited to present the art of multimedia artist Carlos Castrejon. Carlos will be showing his richly colored landscapes, sketches, and other pieces in the art gallery from Aug. 5-Sept. 5. His artist reception will be Aug. 17, noon-2 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Author talk: Author Huda Al-Marashi will discuss her new book, “First Comes Marriage,” on Aug. 23 from 2-3 p.m. When Huda meets Hadi, the boy she will ultimately marry, she is 6 years old. Both are the American-born children of Iraqi immigrants, growing up on opposite ends of California. Follow Huda on her candid and heart-warming journey to reconcile her religious and cultural traditions with Western notions of romantic love.
Poetry open mic: Join People Enjoying Poetry (PEP) on Aug. 24 from 1-3 p.m. for the third quarterly poetry open mic. Share your own work or read someone else’s poetry. We’ll collaborate to create a collection of poetry and the group will offer feedback at the poet’s request.
One Book, One San Diego: Themed to this year’s One Book, One San Diego, OASIS will be presenting “Life’s Sunset: Plan Before the Sun Goes Down” on Sept. 13 from 2-3:30 p.m. The end of one’s life can be tragic or warm and fulfilling. A good end takes knowledge and planning. Learn your options from attorney Bill Simmons. Included will be advance directives, POLSTs, California’s End of Life Option Act, other options, and why family conversations are so important.
Summer reading: Our final show will be on Aug. 14 from 2:30-3:15 p.m. Brought to life with handmade puppets and original songs, “The 3 Little Pigs: The Puppet Musical” teaches the timeless lesson that hard work and dedication pay off. Includes live singing presented by Noteworthy Puppets.
Paws to Read: This program will be moving to the first Wednesday of every month from 2:30-3:30 p.m. starting on Sept. 4. Studies show that children can improve their confidence and reading skills by reading aloud to animals. Dogs make the perfect nonjudgmental audience! All therapy dogs are provided courtesy of Love on a Leash, a foundation for pet-provided therapy.
— David Ege is branch manager of the San Carlos Branch Library.