There is a lovely Hawaiian prayer called “ho’oponopono that goes like this: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”
My mother learned it in her final days and kept on repeating it on her “death chair.” She was unable to sleep in the bed because her lungs would fill with fluids and she’d choke. So she had to live in that chair. This prayer brought her a spiritual relief as she prepared to “depart the planet.” After the events of the last weeks, Russian armies invading their neighbors, and the slap heard around the world (Will Smith accosting Chris Rock), we all need to re-center ourselves. This simple mantra helps.
Some good news to share is that our next meeting, on Wednesday, May 18, will take place at the San Carlos Library (7265 Jackson Dr, San Diego, CA 92119) and will be our first in-person gathering since our December holiday gathering that featured Mayor Todd Gloria as well as District 7 Councilman Raul Campillo. Join us at 6:30 p.m. and meet your neighbors. Additionally, we will be conducting our annual election and electing a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Any San Carlosian who has attended at least two SCAC meetings can run for office.
At our March Zoom meeting, we met our new community officer liaison, Robert Raynor, who shared crime statistics from our neighborhood, and unfortunately, these are climbing. As usual, the cars parked at the Cowles Mountain trailhead are sitting ducks when opportunistic thieves look into the windows and see your spare change or items that spark them to break a window, reach in and grab.
There was also an unfortunate officer-involved shooting on Bonnie Drive near Wandemere when a 60-year-old man threatened to shoot his elderly parents and pointed the gun – turns out it was a BB gun – at the police.
Plans for the new San Carlos Library are progressing. The well destruction has been completed and the City can start the land purchase soon. The new library design is slated to proceed beginning in August of this year.
I’ll close this article with the mantra, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”
– Patricia “Patty” Mooney is an award-winning San Diego video producer and partner at San Diego’s longest-serving video production company, Crystal Pyramid Productions.