Hello dear readers, I wrote no column in February because SCAC President Mark Schulze and I were on a cruise from Buenos Aires to Antarctica. Nobody has apprised me of any recent neighborhood news, so let me share some moments outside our neighborhood.
I feel world travel is healthy, even despite the hype, fears and warnings about the coronavirus disease. Regarding that, make sure you keep your hands clean and don’t touch your face.
On our trip, we learned that Buenos Aires is considered the “Paris of South America” and “owns” the Tango, a provocative dance that requires athleticism and a flair for drama. We witnessed penguins in Ushuaia, Argentina carrying on in conversation. We sailed past Antarctica on Feb. 9, when unusually warm temperatures were recorded there as glaciers melted. But most importantly, a few days later, on Valentine’s Day — 38 years since the day we met — President Schulze and I renewed our vows aboard the Celebrity Eclipse, with a ceremony conducted by Captain Leo.
Our next SCAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. at the San Carlos library, 7265 Jackson Drive. If you wish to be added to the Interested Persons List, have a topic you would like to learn or give a presentation about, please contact me at [email protected].
— Patricia Mooney is vice president of the San Carlos Area Council. Email [email protected].