Are you up to speed on this November’s elections?
Meet Jordan Marks, Esq., who is running for the position of San Diego Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk on the November 2022 ballot:
The role of the assessor is to locate, identify and appraise all vacant land, improved real estate, business property, and certain mobile homes, boats, and aircraft for property tax purposes.
The role of the recorder is to provide public notice by accepting and recording legal documents required by law upon payment of proper fees and taxes as well as maintaining birth, marriage and death records and indexes for San Diego County.
The role of the county clerk is to issue marriage licenses and performing civil marriage ceremonies; registering Fictitious Business Name Statements, notaries public, process servers and professional photocopiers.
At our Wednesday, Sept. 21, meeting, Marks will be our guest speaker.
Marks is running for San Diego County assessor in 2022. “Protecting San Diego’s homeowners and renters is my number one priority. As your Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk, I will continue to protect Prop 13 and be you advocate for a more affordable San Diego.” The Registrar of Votes has qualified Marks for the ballot because he does meet all the qualifications. For information, go to his website: Vote4marks.com.
If you have questions for Marks, send them to me prior to Thursday, Sept. 15. That is so I can prepare a “list” and forward it to Marks prior to the meeting to help ensure he addresses your concerns.
At our July meeting, our guest speaker was Barbara Bry, who is also running for San Diego County assessor in 2022. She explained why she was running for County Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk and her vision for the future. For updated information, I refer you to her website: barbarabry.com.
SCAC does not endorse any candidate; our purpose is to present the candidates so you hear from them why they are running for that office and present their vision for that office.
Our First Friday Concerts in the Park are now over for this year, but this is something to look forward to for next year. Put it on your calendar. The music is great for all ages (even mine), and it is fun dancing (to some of the music).
Mission Trail Regional Park: Located in the Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Visitor Center, the Gift Shop carries a range of items relating to the park, outdoor recreation, and wildlife. The Visitor Center and gift shop are open daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Some of their monthly activities involve nature walks, bird watching, photograph exhibits, art exhibits, and even star gazing. Bring the kids to the Visitors Center. It is amazing in telling the story of our areas and the critters that have come and some that are still on the land, water and sky. So much to see and do.
We live in a wonderful area of the world and there is much to do for enjoyment and relaxation. And just wonderment of it all! Sign up to get their news by going to: MTRP.ORG.
Kids are back in school and our drive to collect back-to-school supplies for them continues. Supplies are needed throughout the year by teachers and students and we want to help ensure that every child has what is needed to be successful. Some items we are asking for are pencils, paper, backpacks, preferably new with the tags on them, notebooks.
I will be collecting items on behalf of SCAC and my good friend Lisa DeLasAlas will be collecting on behalf of the Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club throughout September. Please contact me at the email address below to make arrangements to have your items picked up (either by Lisa or myself). These supplies will be offered to our local schools/teachers and school children. Kids are kids, all have the same basic needs; if we can play a part in this “village” to help ensure that all children can live in a loving and secure situation, then let’s do it!
This summer continues to be unusually hot (I hope this is not our new “normal”) remember to stay hydrated and stay indoors and out of the heat as much as possible. Also remember we are now into the “fire season” (maybe it never left). Keep a defensible area of at least 100 feet around your structures.
If you would like to get involved in your area council, contact me at: [email protected].
Our next SCAC meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 16, at the San Carlos Branch Library starting at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are held in-person.
Photo credit: Pixabay.com