Last month, the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon hosted a great candidate forum with more than 150 voters who came out to meet their Republican candidates.
We’ve seen the power our elected officials have, especially the last two years – and this is why we need to hold our elected officials and candidates accountable. RWCNC is proud to be a part of educating our voters about the best candidates to vote for.
This month, we are excited to welcome Scott Walsh from Judicial Watch to our meeting. The meeting is slated for Tuesday, June 14 at the Legacy Resort and Hotel.
He joined Judicial Watch in May 2019 as the regional development manager/major gift officer for the Western United States. In his eclectic career Walsh has done many things, from sports writing to public relations and corporate communications, including 10 years in the golf industry—he has even had the honor of serving on three White House advance teams.
We’ll also be hosting Tia Quick, the district attorneys’ office liaison to law enforcement, who will be speaking on the police role in school security. After the tragic events in Uvalde, we are intent on learning how to protect our schools and prevent them from being soft targets.
More importantly, we need to address the root of the problem.
We need to provide better mental health resources and empower the mental health community to address problems. We have seen over and over again that mental health and lack of security are the common denominators in these tragic events. We need to help those who need help, rather than passing more gun laws to disarm law-abiding citizens.
RWCNC will be dark in July, but join us in August with guest speaker Sheriff Anthony Ray. Keep an eye out on our website for the location, and how to sign up.
To find out more about our club, or to become a member, visit: www.rwcnavajocanyon.org.
– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.