After a wet January, the Point Loma High School cross country team invites community members to join them for a morning of fun and exercise at Liberty Station with the sun hopefully a bonus. Team boosters are announcing the 11th annual Hungry Dog Dash event, set for Feb. 12 at 8 a.m. at the waterfront park, 2455 Cushing Road. Runners and walkers of all ages, including leashed four-legged companions can sign up for this 5K event over a flat and fast course. Fresh air and fellowship are other event bonuses. Pre-race packet pick-up is at Dick’s Sporting Goods (3265 Sports Arena Blvd.) on Saturday, Feb. 11, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
The course runs along the water’s edge and loops past the landlocked USS Recruit ship, in a course certified by USA Track and Field, and has drawn competitors of all levels from the local racing community over its first decade. Boosters are thrilled about the event’s return after a two-year COVID hiatus and promise the event will conclude long before the Super Bowl kickoff the same afternoon.
A race website (hungrydogdash.com) where the registration form and entry fee are located. Interested participants, sponsors, and drawing donors can find additional information. Each entrant will receive a T-shirt, a goodie bag, and dog tags. The deadline for T-shirt orders is Feb. 1. At the finish line, there will be live music, food and drink, as well as a vendor village. Dick’s Sporting Goods gift cards will go to the top three finishers in each division. An opportunity drawing will include tickets to The Belly Up, A San Diego Slumber Party Tents sleepover, passes to the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, and more.
The Hungry Dog Dash fundraiser proceeds go to the Point Loma High School cross country team. The event also helps raise awareness among younger students in the community about the PLHS running program. Funding is needed to finance the team’s dedicated distance runners as they compete around California. Money raised will go toward travel expenses, registration fees, uniforms, and equipment costs.
Keith DeLong, the team’s head coach said: “The philosophy of the Point Loma cross country team is to help students understand that success is being the best they can be on any given day and to help them learn that things worth having are worth working hard for. I’ve seen the difference it can make in students’ lives. The Hungry Dog Dash is our biggest fundraiser and opportunity to raise awareness of the team with younger students in the community.”
Breakfast and baseball, flapjacks and fly balls, hot cakes and home runs – a big morning meal and a day full of action are promised when the Pointer baseball boosters open the season with a return of their annual pancake breakfast. The griddle will be hot from 8-11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 4 at Dana Middle School’s David Wells Field, home of the Pointers. $10 per person buys a plate of pancakes and sausage with coffee or juice. A donut bar and special pancake toppings will be available for an extra charge. All proceeds benefit the PLHS Parent Association baseball program. The scheduled baseball game begins at 10:30 a.m. The field is located at 1775 Chatsworth Blvd. with the parking entrance on Macaulay Street.