By Scott Ward | A Street Auto
This month I want touch base on the easiest form of maintenance to your vehicle; engine oil.
This is one of the most neglected services on the vehicle that should be performed on a ROUTINE basis.
Most people know the drill; change your oil every 3,000 miles or three months, which ever occurs first.

However, with today’s strict oil standards for the newer vehicles, its just best to keep track of mileage versus time.
The most common problem is that people never keep track of mileage or life just happens. Now, the oil service that was supposed to be done at 3,000 just became 6,000. It’s okay to go over by 1,000 and even 1,500, but going double or triple over the mileage spells disaster on the long haul and longevity of the vehicle’s engine.
If you know that your oil service is going be put on the back burner, then consider using synthetic oils. You get more than double the mileage, even up to triple it, although I don’t recommend this. And you have better quality oil in the engine so you can have peace of mind. I won’t get into too much detail or science of the synthetic oils but in a nutshell, synthetic oil resists oxidation, becoming waxy (thickening) at low temperatures, and volatizing (degrading) at high temperatures.
Overall, the quality of the oil is much better, which means a happier engine over the long run.
I will also add that routine maintenance of the oil will also save you money on fuel. Contaminated oil from the crankcase system of the engine and extended/prolonged use of the oil causes the oil to degrade and makes the engine work harder; that equates to more fuel consumption.
So, it’s quite simple. If you want to get the most out of your vehicle, and increase its longevity, then get on a ROUTINE to get your oil serviced.
Who knows, you might actually find out that something else might be going on with the vehicle that you’re not aware of, and that could save you from breaking down on the side of the road or freeway.
Until next time, drive safely, Scott.