Mom ‘n’ pop or a corporate shop?
Given that choice, many Peninsulans are registering, via online petition, their preference for an independent grocer, rather than a CVS pharmacy, to move into the location of the former Fresh & Easy in the small shopping center at 955 Catalina Blvd.
Fresh & Easy, a Southern California convenience grocery store chain, recently closed its eight locations in San Diego County, including its Catalina Boulevard site. The company noted an “organized wind-down” after a failed reorganization as the reason for the closures.
“We have been unable to obtain financing and the liquidity necessary to continue to fund the business going forward,” Fresh & Easy said. “As we start the process for an organized wind-down of the business, we continue to work to sell all or part of the business.”
But when some Point Lomans heard the new tenants in the mall were likely to be a high-profile corporation like CVS Pharmacy, they balked.
A recent online petition drive on that began with a single signature, called Pt. Lomans Opposed to CVS, has in a matter of days garnered 1,218 supporters.
“It seems we need to communicate to CVS corporate that Point Loma residents don’t want another CVS in the Point Loma area,” the online petition said, adding, “There is a sense that it will be virtually boycotted if they move into the old Fresh & Easy location. Let’s do what we can to make this clear to CVS corporate.”
Petition supporters are being urged to direct their emails, stating “No to CVS, Yes to a local grocer,” to CVS’ customer care department at [email protected].
Some Point Lomans, like David Dick, a community planner speaking on his own behalf, are sympathetic to the anti-CVS petition drive.
“I’ll sign the petition at,” said Dick. “But realistically speaking, I’m not very optimistic it will do much good.”
Dick noted he’s read what most everyone else has – that CVS has bought the Fresh & Easy location on Catalina out of bankruptcy as part of a $5.5 million transaction involving two other sites.
“Most of the other Fresh & Easy sites,” Dick said, “have been purchased by grocers like Gelsons and Smart & Final. The Catalina site is small and was probably too small to attract a traditional chain grocer, and an independent grocer probably couldn’t compete with CVS in the bankruptcy court-bidding process. There’s only room for one pharmacy at that location. It’s a shame.”
Dick also expressed concern about what impact a new CVS pharmacy in the neighborhood would have on existing independent pharmacies.
“I guess Point Loma Cabrillo Drug doesn’t have a lease exclusive for drug stores on the site,” he said. “So, not only does the neighborhood not get a grocer to replace Fresh & Easy, a CVS next door does not bode well for the long-term prospects of the independent pharmacy.”
There are three existing CVS pharmacies in the Peninsula: at 3950 W. Point Loma Blvd. in Midway Towne Center, Loma Square at 3327 Rosecrans St. and 4949 Santa Monica Ave. in Ocean Beach.
Michael Saad operates Point Loma Cabrillo Drug at 1105 Rosecrans St. along with a sister site at 955 Catalina Blvd. adjacent to the proposed CVS site. Noting the impacts of having a corporate competitor next door would be “pretty obvious,” Saad said that “With my situation, it’s very difficult for me to do anything directly. All I can do is what I’ve been doing the last 25 years here.”
Added Saad, “I’ve been trying to maintain my independence. It is very concerning.”
Bill Thaxton, leasing agent for and neighbor to the Point Loma Fresh & Easy Center, said on Facebook that “Fresh & Easy quickly and quietly sold their lease to CVS through bankruptcy court in Delaware over the holidays. The deal may not be final yet, and the landlord is using all legal means possible and spending a considerable amount of money to try to stop CVS.”
Added Thaxton, “A few high-quality grocery tenants have expressed interest in the property.”