With their students unable to experience many senior activities, Point Loma High School parents have created a way for community members to adopt a member of the school’s Class of 2020.
Michele Huber, Senior Class chairperson, notes the 95th graduating class of the school has lost many of its traditional activities with the current Covid-19 pandemic. Students may not see their classmates and favorite teachers again.
Parents have created “Adopt a 2020 Senior,” based on a nationwide program, for school alumni, businesses, and community members to recognize and celebrate each student’s accomplishments.
Adopters are asked to send letters, cards, gifts, gift cards, snacks or any other items to show their support. The program requires participants to have an online Facebook account.
Parents of seniors have created a short biography of their students. Adopters are encouraged to read through them and select one or more. After making a selection, they should type “Adopted” in the “Comments” section below the biography.
Organizers are hoping to have every class member adopted.
Adopters can reach out to parents for addresses or coordinate a personal meeting with their senior. This requires clicking on the parents’ names above the biography and selecting “Profile.”
Adopters are encouraged to send something once or spread it out over the next weeks as the originally scheduled commencement date of June 9 approaches or beyond.
Huber and other committee members hope to lift each graduate up with positivity, encouragement, and love.
Contact [email protected] for more information.