In President Trump’s recent State of the Union address, he articulated many of the accomplishments of his administration which have improved the quality of life for every American. Record low unemployment, passage of the UAMCA trade deal, increased wages, reduction of taxes for the middle class, the killing of Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and 187 confirmed federal judicial appointments are some of the highlights of Trump’s first term. We couldn’t be prouder of our president.
Now that the impeachment hoax is over, it is time to move on and focus on the March primary and November’s general election. Mail ballots have been delivered and early voting has begun. This is the time to do your research and make decisions that will reflect your conservative values. We must stop the march toward socialism in our country.
Of course, we all want quality medical treatment available to everyone, but turning it over to the federal government and abolishing all private insurance companies would be a disaster. Based on data from countries that use single payer, there would not be enough doctors, hospital beds or money to provide free health care for all. Think about this when you listen to the presidential candidates that are trying to sell the idea of single payer to the American voters. Trump would never support the idea of government-controlled health care.
You are welcome and encouraged to attend the Monday, March 9, meeting of the Republican Women of California San Diego County. After a short business meeting, Gene Ho, personal photographer to Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, will be the speaker and share his anecdotes and insights. Lunch is included in the cost of $35. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Legacy Resort Hotel and Spa, 875 Hotel Circle South, San Diego. RSVP by Tuesday March 3 to [email protected].
Please join Republican Women of California–Navajo Canyon at the La Mesa Brigantine, on Tuesday, March 10. Tia Quick, from the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, will be our featured speaker with the very interesting topic of “When Money Talks, Criminals Walk … How Politics Impacts Criminal Reform.”
Check-in begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course lunch is served for a cost of $25. Reservations are absolutely required as space is limited. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call Marjie at 619-990-2791 for questions or to confirm your reservation.
For more information on our activities, please visit our website at rwcNavajo-Canyon.org and check us out on Facebook at Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California–Navajo Canyon.