By Judy McCarty
Two special guests are on the agenda for the next lunch meeting of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated on May 12.

Allison Alley, a longtime financial planner, understands the economic landscape and the ramifications of the many new rules and regulations the Obama administration and Congress are looking to enact. She will explain the consequences of the proposed changes to retirement accounts and inheritance tax and how this will affect members’ future financial plans.
In addition, Ruth Weiss of the Election Integrity Project will update us on current progress and plans. Many Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated members are active in this effort to reduce fraud in the election process.
Check-in time for the May 12 meeting at the Brigantine restaurant in La Mesa begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course lunch will be served at noon with the speaker following at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and reservations are required. RSVP (with “luncheon RSVP” in the subject line) to [email protected], or call Glenda at 619-284-9958.

(Courtesy of Weiss)
June 9 is the date for our annual fundraiser fashion show at the Bali Hai restaurant at Shelter Island. In addition to the great view and food, our members will model clothes from Chico’s. There will be a no-host bar and lots of opportunity drawings. Cost is $40. More info next month, but please mark your calendars for this happy event.
The Downtown Republican Club, sponsored by NCRWF, meets Thursday, May 21, at 6 p.m. at Athens Market on the corner of First Avenue and F Street in Downtown San Diego. The club meets the third Thursday of every other month in a relaxed after-work setting. Cost is $15 for the amazing buffet and no-host bar. We are delighted that former KUSI meteorologist and co-founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, will talk to us on “Global Warming – Fact or Fiction?” This is a great chance to get into the discussion and ask questions on this very timely and hot topic.
For more information regarding NCRWF, please visit navajocanyonrwf.org.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chairman of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women, Federated.