The Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon celebrated another powerful month with their March luncheon, featuring Andrea Kaye, TV and radio personality, on-camera spokesperson, print model, actor and producer. She is the host of nationally syndicated “The Andrea Kaye Show” on The Answer San Diego, and a regular contributor and guest host on TV and radio shows.
We were also joined by Esther Valdes, who updated us on some legislation being proposed for schools in regards to the mandates and family gun disclosures upon registration. Valdes is an immigration attorney, on the Coronado school board, and often appears on KUSI.
Our next regular luncheon will be June 14 at the Legacy Resort Hotel & Spa. We’re excited to welcome Scott Walsh from Judicial Watch. Sign up for our newsletter for more details at rwcnavajocanyon.org.
Did you know vote by mail ballots will drop on May 9? Keep an eye out for your ballots and do your research about which candidates will stand up for your individual, constitutional rights! You can meet your local Republican candidates at our Navajo Canyon Candidate Forum on Thursday, May 12, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center.
Guests will include San Diego Republican Party endorsed candidates Amy Reichert (San Diego County Board of Supervisors, District 4), Laura Lothian (La Mesa City Council), Jordan Marks (San Diego Clerk/Recorder/Assessor), Stan Caplan (U.S. House of Representatives, 51st District), Becca Williams (San Diego Unified School Board Trustee, Area C), and more. RSVP by May 6 to [email protected].
May 23 is the last day to register to vote for the June election. Check your voter registration at: sdvote.com.
It is time to make your voice heard, through your votes! The news cycles have shown us just how fragile and important our freedoms are. Our right to peacefully assemble. Our ability to protect ourselves. And above all, our right to free speech. Do not let others mindlessly instill fear in your lives in order to take away your freedom.
As our club Chaplain Ginny Wisley stated – If you are going to fight against fear, you will need to be brave and courageous, so why not have the best of the best in front and inside doing the demanding work?
– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.