Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon will kick off the holiday season with their annual party at the home of Ginny Wisley on Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 11 am.-1:30 p.m. Donations of toys and other necessities will be collected for Military Outreach Ministries (MOM). San Diego MOM serves the junior enlisted military family, typically headed by a 19- to 23-year-old with young children and away from home trying to survive in our expensive economy on a low salary. Delicious appetizers and desserts will be provided by our members and shared by all.
We are honored to have Judge Robert Amador and Judge Daniel Lamborn install our officers for the coming year. Waskah Whelan will be installed as the 2020 president succeeding Marjie Siekerka, who has been an outstanding president for the past year keeping us motivated, informed and energized. Ms. Whelan is past president of Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated and San Diego County Republican Women Federated and has demonstrated extraordinary leadership skills.
Next year, we will harness our energy toward activities related to the 2020 election and it is certain to be a rip-roaring year. Our goal is success at the ballot box and volunteers are a crucial part of achieving that.
We would love to have you join us and learn more about our plans for next year. Call Marjie at 619-990-2791 for information and to RSVP. Reservations are required. Please bring an appetizer to share and a donation for MOM. Gift cards are always appreciated. Please visit our website, RWCNavajo-Canyon.org and visit us on Facebook at Republican Women of California.
The Oct. 8 Fashion Show at the Bali Hai was a huge success. Guests enjoyed a delicious Polynesian lunch and were wowed by fashions from Glamor Girlz of El Cajon. This is our only fundraiser of the year, and we are proud to share and be able to donate $1,200 to this year’s charity, Operation Enduring Warrior, a veteran-founded nonprofit whose mission is to honor, empower and motivate our nation’s wounded military and law enforcement veterans. It is a 100% volunteer-run organization and all donations go directly to their programs and operational support.
Just as a reminder of how important it is to keep track of the path that California is on, the Los Angeles Times recently reported that if it were not for international immigration, California would be losing population. The California interstate U-Haul traffic is more and more a one-way business. The financial ramifications are huge. Our state and local governments ignore this trend. The only increase we are seeing in California is our homeless population.
In the future, more and more state and local government spending on free college, single-payer health care, massive public transit projects, and “green” mandates will be put on the shoulders of fewer and fewer California taxpayers.
This is the time to expound and advance our Republican values. More government is not the answer to a better quality of life. Let’s focus on common sense and more opportunity for everyone. The result will be a better California for all.
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of Republican Women of California-Navajo Canyon.