Lamplighters Community Theatre in La Mesa will present the comedy/drama Red Jasper beginning Friday, May 27. The theatre is located at 5915 Severin Drive in the La Mesa Village Center (inside the center, near the southeast corner), corner of Severin and Amaya.
The show will run through June 19, performing Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $25 for general admission, $23 for students/seniors/military and $20 for groups of 10 or more.
The show focuses on Isadora, an indelicate, sarcastic cancer survivor with a hidden vulnerability, whose breast cancer has returned and who’s not hesitant at all in educating people on how to act around her. While receiving treatment, she meets Tom, an affable, attractive man who manages to disappoint, anger, or intrigue her, depending on the day. Will the secrets of Tom’s past prevent what could be a blossoming relationship?
This comedy-drama is an emotional ride that’s full of laughter and tears, reminding us all of what’s important in life.
The production features Lana Hartwell, Duane Weekly, Shelley Benoit, Kylie Young and Jerry Young.
Founded in June of 1937 as The La Mesa Little Theatre and incorporated as The Lamplighters Community Theatre in November of 1976, the theater has had continuous productions in La Mesa for 80-plus years.