By Terry Cords
San Carlos/Lake Murray Recreation Center
Get ready for the BIG Halloween Carnival on Friday, Oct. 28 from 5:30–8 p.m. Our annual spooktacular event will host a costume contest, bake walk, games, jumpers, laser tag, a DJ and much more.
Volunteers are needed to help work the Carnival. Please call 619-527-3443.
PeeWee Sports for ages 3–8 years, cost is $40, every Tuesday 4–5 p.m. Games include basketball, soccer, tee-ball and more.
Winter Camp Coyote will run Dec. 19–23 and Dec. 27–30. (Closed on Monday, Dec. 26) Extended care hours 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Cost is $125 per week.
Core care hours 9 a.m.–4 p.m., $100 per week.
The next meeting of the San Carlos Recreation Council is Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m.
San Carlos Recreation Center is located at 6445 Lake Badin Ave. For more information, call 619-527-3443.
Allied Gardens Recreation Center and Pool
The What’s Up, Cupcake? class began Monday, Sept. 12 for ages 8–14 for a $15 fee. Get ready for the fall baking season. Participants will learn fun kid appropriate decorating tips and tricks. Each week will be new technique to fill, frost and decorate cupcakes. The mini masterpieces will be taken home to enjoy with the family.
Fall volleyball practice began on Monday, Sept. 12. There is still room for interested children ages 8–15 years. Cost is $70. Games start on Oct. 4.
Fall flag football starts in October. Cost is $50 for ages 8–12 years.
Parents Night Out for children ages 6–12 will be held from 5–9 p.m. on Sept. 16, Oct. 21 and Nov. 18. Cost is $10.
There will be a free Halloween Movie Night planned for either Oct. 22 or Oct. 29; final date is to be determined. Come out to the grass area in front of the Recreation Center and enjoy a fun-filled (but scary) night at the movies with a family-friendly movie courtesy of the Allied Gardens Recreation Council and local community organizations.
Don’t forget the Allied Gardens Teen Center is open 2–6 p.m., Monday through Friday with fun games and activities.
There are many interesting and challenging activities for all ages at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center: Dance to Evolve, San Diego Civic Dance Arts, Aryn’s Hatha Yoga, BookNook, badminton, basketball and pickle ball. Call the Recreation Center for the days and hours each event is scheduled.
The next meeting of the Allied Gardens Recreation Council is Monday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
The Allied Gardens Recreation Center is located at 5155 Greenbriar Ave. Call 619-235-1129 for more information.
The Allied Gardens Pool is located at 6707 Glenroy St. Call 619-235-1143 for information.
—Terry Cords is chair of the San Carlos/Lake Murray Recreation Council and the Allied Gardens Recreation Council. Reach him at [email protected].