If you haven’t already noticed the increase in noise from the jets overhead, you will. This morning I was awakend at 6:45 a.m. by a continuous procession of jets overhead. This is the result of the airport re-routing the takeoff of substantially more planes to the most northerly direction. Now there’s jet noise where there formerly was none. They, the Airport Authority, are doing this without any say from the residents of Mission Beach. Although we have a seat on the Airport Authority we have no vote (which is the same as not being there). We also have no noise-monitoring station north of Dover Court, and yet the planes regularly fly over Jamaica Court (we formerly had a noise monitor at Mission Beach Elementary School). The result is noise monitoring where the impact is less. The further north they fly, the quieter the resulting Dover Court monitor reports. This re-routing and increased noise is being imposed without any real public notice or input. When I decided to buy property here in North Mission Beach 10 years ago, I had previously looked at places in Ocean Beach and Point Loma. The jet noise was not something I wanted, in spite of the reduced real estate prices at the time. I thought it was an informed decision and I was OK with spending the extra money to get the quiet. I built my home here. In building my home, I did not take into account any increase in noise from jets. (In the airport traffic zones, things such as laminated glass windows and increased insulation are code to help diminish the effect of the noise). Are we to retrofit our homes? Without any representation, we are being adversely affected. Our property values will go down and our lives will change for the worse. Please help me fight this by sending a complaint to the following: • Airport Noise Hotline: (619) 400-2799; the e-mail address is: [email protected]; • Our City Council representative Kevin Falconer: (619) 236-6996; his e-mail address is: [email protected]. Also, Matt Awbrey (working in Mr. Falconer’s Office) can be reached at (619) 236-6992; • The city’s Planning Department: Tait Galloway, senior planner can be reached at (619) 533-4550. • Congresswoman Susan Davis (she will have the greatest pull with the Federal Aviation Administration) can be reached at (619) 280-5353. Her mailing address is 4305 University Ave., Suite 515, San Diego, 92105. Together we may just be able to put a stop to this.