Parents of students planning to enroll at Point Loma High School (PLHS) next school year have received lots of information on academic programs and requirements. Along with their students, they likely have many questions about other aspects of student life on campus. Most families are unaware of the host of sports, clubs, band, ROTC and other programs awaiting them at PLHS. An event next week will bring students and parents together with PLHS coaches, club sponsors and others to provide one-stop answers, information and a chance to mingle. The second annual “Pointers Got Game” event takes place Tuesday, May 31 in the main gym at PLHS. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and visitors will find current students helping school staff and willing to provide honest feedback to their younger peers. But the event is not just for eighth-graders at Correia Middle School. PLHS staff members are encouraging middle-school boys and girls from private, home and charter schools to attend, along with students planning to enter at any grade level. While participation in activities is subject to minimum grade requirements, school leaders point to the benefits of involvement in extracurricular interests to enhance the high school experience. Those interested in fall sports will find training and preparation begin during summer weeks, giving those who attend this event an advantage over those who wait to join after school begins in September.