The Point Loma High School baseball team, in conjunction with the Friends and Family of Point Loma, will be holding a fund-raiser on Saturday, June 27, at Petco Park for the San Diego Padres vs Oakland A’s interleague game. All tickets sold for the game will benefit the Point Loma baseball team.
“We are trying to raise $5,000 to buy new jerseys for our teams ” 50 new jerseys overall,” summer league coach Jerry Herrera said.
As an extra incentive, if 300 tickets can be sold, two of the players will be allowed to go on the field during batting practice and a third will be get an autograph from one the Padres, Herrera said.
The Pointers are coming off a recent CIF playoff appearance in which they won two games as the 12th seed and defeated the 5th and 8th seeded teams before losing to the 4th seed, posting a 2-2 overall play-off record.
Despite the loss, the Pointers will have two standout players returning next season: junior shortstop Scotty Heylman, a transfer from Bishops, and sophomore pitcher Hunter Herrera. Both Heylman and Herrera are considered to be top prospects in the county.
“We are going to have a better team next year with a lot of seniors, but this year we still had a relatively young team. We had only four seniors, eight juniors and three sophomores this season,” Herrera said.
During the summer, the Pointers will take part in USSA Baseball, a traveling league of players 18 and older. They will play 12 games in June, July and August and then another 12 games September through November. The home field for these games will be at Dana Junior High.
“We want to get our players ready for the following season,” Herrera said.
This will be the first Padre game fund-raiser, but Herrera noted that the event would probably be something the team does in the future.
“It’s a good tie-in since we are a baseball team and a Padre game fund-raiser would help us get new uniforms for our team,” he said.