Ken Williams | Editor
Want to serve your community? Want to help plan the future of Mission Valley? The Mission Valley Planning Group is looking for members to serve on its board.
A general meeting and election will be held at noon Wednesday, March 2, 2016 in the Community Room at Mission Valley Library, 2123 Fenton Parkway.
“The Mission Valley Planning Group is the officially recognized volunteer body for advising and making recommendations on land-use matters in the Mission Valley to the city of San Diego,” said John Nugent, secretary of the board.
The board’s primary purpose is to advise the San Diego City Council, the city’s Planning Commission and other governmental agencies in the initial preparation, adoption, implementation or amendment of the General Plan or Community Plan as it pertains to Mission Valley.
Nugent finds public service to be rewarding and encourages other residents or business owners to give back to the community.
“During my time on the planning group, I have gained a better appreciation for and understanding of the various regulations and laws that affect decisions being made about traffic, new construction and the path along the San Diego River,” Nugent said.
“As a resident of Mission Valley, I want a voice in the quality of life for me and my grandchildren. Serving on the planning group has enabled me to add value to the community and I am able to serve as a source of information for other residents of the Mission Valley as to what is happening and to the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ behind some land-use decisions.”
Only general members who have attended a minimum of two meetings of the MVPG in the 12 months prior to the February 2016 regular monthly meeting qualify to fill any board position, according to John Nugent, secretary of the board.
Attendance at the required meetings must be documented in the minutes of the meetings. Each term is for four years — expiring in March 2020 — and three positions will be filled in the general election in each of the following classifications:
Class I: Property owner, who is an individual identified as the sole or partial owner of record, or their designee, of a real property (either developed or undeveloped) within the community planning area.
Class II: Person (including residents or persons representing business entities) paying property taxes on any parcel of real property in the community planning area.
Class III: Resident, who is an individual, whose primary address is an address in the community planning area (either an owner or renter).
Class IV: Local business person (including persons representing business entities), who is a local business owner, operator or designee, with a business address in the community at which employees or operators of the business are located.
For further information, contact John Nugent at [email protected]
—Ken Williams is editor of Mission Valley News and Uptown News and can be reached at [email protected] or at 619-961-1952. Follow him on Twitter at KenSanDiego, Instagram account at KenSD or Facebook at KenWilliamsSanDiego.