On March 19, our community will have the opportunity to voice our opinions to the Peninsula Community Planning Board (PCPB) on how we feel about the course they have taken over this past year. This is our chance to let the board know that its decisions do not reflect what we cherish about Point Loma. Over the last two years there has been a “revolution” of the PCPB. Look at the backgrounds of the majority of the members: Realtors, architects, a McMillin Cos. associate, a cell phone tower salesperson and a city development services employee. Some of these members can profit by the decisions they make about your neighborhood. This board has made it the objective to exclude the public. By limiting residents’ commentary and by holding unannounced policy and committee meetings, this group has taken an exclusionary tack in conducting the business of oversight, entrusted to them by you. We need to root out those members who have a commercial interest in increasing density in the Point. If you like what you see at the corner of Plum and Lowell streets, then you likely agree with the mindset of the present board. If you think investing $12 billion into an obsolete airport is wise planning, then keep the incumbents who will endorse those decisions. Point Loma needs progressive urban planning. Increased density, without regard for issues of infrastructure, nor protection of residents’ views and space, is short-term thinking. Point Loma has a finite footprint — let’s protect it. Come to the PCPB candidates forum on March 5 (check www.pcpb.net for location and time). Demand to have your concerns addressed. Retire the pro-development board members and vote in the quality-of-life candidates.