On Tuesday, June 14, Patrick Henry High School held its 52nd graduation ceremony in the PHHS Athletic Stadium.
There were over 5,000 parents, relatives and friends who witnessed 583 graduates enter the stadium under Pomp and Circumstance played by the PHHS band. Cheers and applause rose from the stadium as the graduates took their seats. Students from the Henry choir sang the National Anthem and the PHHS Alma Mater. Our Valedictorian, Samantha Gantney, ASB President, Savannah McDade, and Senior Class President, Devin Chubb gave reflective and inspirational speeches to their peers.
Gantney complimented the senior class by expressing to her peers how impressed she is with their qualities and traits, “I recounted qualities that students [in this senior class have] displayed and I wanted to emulate. Qualities that will follow us into college and help us pursue our dreams.” Samantha spearheaded improvements in mental health awareness within the PHHS and within the San Diego Unified District at large. She emphasized, “I hope that [I have imparted] the normalization, destigmatization, and support for mental health. Every one of us experiences feelings of anxiety and depression at times. But every student here has learned that internal challenges do not define us, and that we can persevere so that we can keep ourselves on the path. Our collective path is now diverging, but our shared experience will keep us going in the right direction.”
McDade, encouraged our seniors to keep to the Patriot way by being kind to others, to preserve and to give 100% in all that they do. Under Savannah’s leadership, she emulated Patriot pride every day by ensuring students were included and supported at PHHS. Savannah led the ASB to implement a variety of activities to model school spirit and increase student engagement on and off campus.
Chubb commended the senior class by stating, “We brought back almost every Henry tradition and more showing all the underclassmen what it means to have Patriot Pride. Seniors led the way joining and creating over 90 different clubs on campus, brought back powderpuff football and cheer, threw a football kickoff tailgate, and brought back some of the largest and most spirited football and basketball student sections in our school’s history being ranked 4th and 3rd in all of San Diego County.”
Principal Irwin encouraged graduates by saying, “Graduates, your parents have entrusted you—passed you on to school—to educate yourselves, to build upon your skillset, and to pursue your passions. Our community, our country, our world is not perfect, but there is good and beauty in imperfection. We hope you continue your journey as life-long learners who will use your skill-set to impact others and move our country towards greater hope.”
Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Fabiola Bagula and Board Member, Kevin Beiser, presided over the event and accepted the 2022 graduating class and extended a sincere congratulations on behalf of the School Board and Superintendent Lamont Jackson.
The Patrick Henry High School faculty is incredibly proud of the Class of 2022 and wish the graduating seniors a successful future.
Editor’s note: Michelle Irwin is principal at Patrick Henry High School. Photos courtesy of Michelle Irwin.